October 06, 2004

Progress III

Good news. Today's ultrasound revealed continued progress. We looked forward to this ultrasound because it is long enough after the surgery to see some long term effects. The little guy has fluid around him and he is kicking and moving around and from my figuring he is very slightly even catching up. Here is some math for those who are interested. It is not very interesting but is still easier than figuring out if the Giants have a shot at the wild card.

Post surgery ultrasound :
Little guy (LG) 180 grams
Big guy (BG) 295 grams
Discordance 39%

Today's ultrasound
LG 407 grams
BG 614 grams
Discordance 34%

The numbers aren't super important, but the trend is. The trend is good and at the minimum they are both growing normally at the same rate.

We are grateful in every way for God's hand in this and for all of yours. More on that later when time allows.


At 7:51 PM, Blogger Brad said...

Super! I can comment on my own posts! Nice job Brad

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Andy White said...

Glad to hear the good news Brad & Megan. I'd like to officially predict a less than 15% difference in the two little tikes by the time of birth. Rock on McCarter twins!

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Megan, I haven't seen you in so long but Rikke referred me here about a month ago. I'm so glad to see such good reports this week. Will keep checking in to read the latest.

Heather (& Derek & Joshua) Poppink


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