Good news for people who love bad news
The bad news is that our case is as advanced as we thought it was. The good news is that it makes our decision to go ahead with the laser surgery a very clear one. It is good news indeed for us, because we had feared a prolonged middle-of-the-road diagnosis which would make our choices far more difficult.
After reviewing our boys via ultrasound with another Perinatoligist this afternoon, Dr. DeLia is ready to do the surgery tomorrow morning. As of Monday afternoon our case was borderline, but in the 3 days since then the fluid levels have changed to make surgery both safer and a more obvious solution. Any risks associated with this surgery now pale to the known risk of what will happen if we do not do anything.
We consider this a not small victory on the road to winning the war.
The surgery is planned to start between 10 -12 am (Milwaukee is 2 hours ahead of CA). I probably will not see Megan untill 1 or 2 pm. While we will have some indicators of the success of the surgery immediately we may not be able to breathe a true sigh of relief until 4-6 weeks have passed.
Now is a great time to unleash your best prayers, we often rely on you all to pray when we are too distraught or tired, and can't. Thank you.