September 05, 2004

Recovery III

We aren't sipping Olde Milwaukee on the porch this labor day, but our optimism index rose a few points just the same. Today's first post-operation ultrasound showed both our boys are still with us. Not surprising news in our Dr's eyes but we both secretly feared for the little one. So it brightened things up quite a bit to see those two heartbeats.

We don't always know how much we can hope for. If we expect, with full faith, that we will bring home two healthy, full-term boys; we fear we will be all the more heartbroken if we don't. Reality is that like all disease this syndrome is measured in rates of mortality and morbidity. Percentages, means and averages. Some stories we read are hopeful and others are not. Can we say that bad things don't happen to good people? Or that God answers every prayer the way we would see fit? Do people who dearly love their monochorionic twins and pray passionately for them always bring them home with them? We want to believe yes but know that very bad things happen.

Yet we say with the lepper "Jesus, if you want to, you can heal me" and hope that he replies the same as he did to the lepper "I want to."

Megan is healing well, and is off the epidural and the IV. She is eating well and is doing great except that she isn't very good at laying down all the time. She is good at talking the nurses into not making her take the bad pain meds. She is now only on Tylenol and is more uncomfortable with the pains of laying down than the pains of having her belly cut in two.

More soon.


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