February 22, 2006

There goes the college fund.

In spite of the boys' excellent effort in Hollywood... No one was chosen. There were 6 sets of twins who were called back. None got the job. In fact it went to a friend of the director's kid. We are too new to the business to be jaded so I'll withold my speculation about why we got to drive to my favorite town twice. All said, however, it was a positive experience. We are hopeful that the fact that casting director did really like I&J will be helpful in the future.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger chris said...

Good. It's about damn time those boys help out around there. You guys are WAY too easy on them what with the food and unconditional love.

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, how stinking cute are your boys? Pretty cute! Love the update and photos! Becca Koo


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